Mukti (Day 1)

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First day in Mukti was spent on a tour of the grounds. It lasted most of the day and I felt every minute of it. There are only many rooms you can see in one day. Seeing the blind ladies making baskets and autistic children making candles was quite moving, I guess.

I did find out some interesting facts however about life in India up to 100years ago and even a little now.

The lady who set up the mission 100 years ago had set it up to help the ladies oppressed in India at the time.

In Hindu/Indian custom a man would marry at about 40 and the girl would be quite young, like 12 or 13 or so. Anyway due to the conditions men would die quite young as well and whilst getting cremated the lady would have to jump in the fire as well and die with her man. How Horrifying! If she did not do this she would become a pariah and not even her mother would be able to talk to her or even acknowledge they existed. So they would wander around and have to fend for themselves. Hence the Mukti lady set up the orphanage to support these ladies/girls.

Being the stud muffin I am I received a few flowers from the girls. I was quite the hit actually. I found out lately as well that by accepting the flowers it was like me saying I like you as well. Those girls sure were forward, and young!

Later in the afternoon Hannah and I wandered around the grounds and met the 2 cheeky girls. The first 20 seconds of meeting them they had Hannah taking a picture of me with the both of them, and one was giving me rabbit ears in the background. I called her cheeky and the other one trouble.

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  • From Landsborough - arrgghhh, Queensland, Australia
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