The day we got our certifications. It was a very exciting day for us all. We took some nice underwater pictures and went down to 18m deep. We were now certified Open Water divers. I talked to Heidi that night on msn.
“Heidi you are a Scuba instructor, is having Asthma really all that bad?”
”Are you sure I was alright.” I pointed out.
“Well it very dangerous, with asthma you can have blocked airways and air can get trapped in there and expand or compress and you can get a lung rupture or collapse.” She lectured.
“Errrmmm. I guess it is quite bad isn’t it.” I said a bit inanely.
Now I am a bit worried about diving again. I should be alright at 20m depth because pressure is only 3 times normal and you cant do much damage there I wouldn’t think. Well that’s my self diagnosis anyway.
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