Dahab (Day 3)

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Next day was our first open water dives. Wienna’s lady friend was coming with us. Hannah was so excited.
“You see Wienna doesn’t have a ring but she does! Oh what could it mean? Oh, Oh did you see she says boyfriend and he says wife. I bet he is having an affair. So much juicy gossip Mika!”
“Yeah nice Hannah” I said bored. That night when she was talking to Ariane on msn she chatted for ages about all the gossip she had. Ariane then asked how many people were in our scuba group. She replied “3.”
“Is that including you two?” I don’t know how women can do it. From one person glean so much exciting gossip without even speaking to them.
Anyway back to our first dive. It was our first dive so we had a buddy system going. Hannah was my buddy. One of the first rules we learnt as not to overexert yourself and stick with your buddy. The first was very important to me because I didn’t want to get asthma. Breathing underwater was hard enough as it was without trying to force more air in. So Hannah when the reins were loosed started kicking furiously towards all the coral and powering along. I tried to keep up and Ya Man kept getting angry at me for not sticking with my buddy. Hannah was oblivious to everything so I pointed out this massive Barracuda and told her to take a picture of it so she might get bitten and allow me to catch up. Unfortunately someone pulled her away from it.
When we got out, “Oh I had the most amazing time Mika!!! Did you see all the coral? I saw some fish and sea horse and yellow fish…”
“Well I could have liked to see some stuff but I was trying to keep up with you too much. When I did you would twist and 3 times you kicked my regulator from my mouth.”
“Oh I didn’t even realize, I didn’t even see you.”
“You’re my Buddy! You’re the worst buddy in the whole world! You didn’t even see me.” I pointed out.
“Well I was too busy looking at the fishes.” She stated.
“I guess it is too much to ask if you noticed me when you hit me on the head twice with your big metal tank?” No such luck there either.The next dive I had an extra appendage. One called Hannah. I don’t think she strayed more than about 5cm from me at the very most. She was too good a buddy.

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  • I'm Mika
  • From Landsborough - arrgghhh, Queensland, Australia
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